Marmot Starlight

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Marmot Starlight.

Pinguin Vega Extreme Snow 2 Kisilik Cadir
Pinguin Vega Extreme Snow 2 Kisilik Cadir

Halfway between a bivy and a tent the marmot starlight 1 tent is an ultralight ultra simple above ground burrow for solo backpacking and long distance trail missions.

When you need an ultra lightweight two person tent for backpacking or bike tours choose the marmot starlight 2p tent. Easy to pack and easy to set up the starlight is ideal for a two person bike tour. An ultralight two person tent the marmot starlight 2p weighs in at less than three pounds. 6500円以上送料無料marmotマーモット starlight 1p m6a s2740はナチュラム口コミレビューや関連商品などの情報まで合わせてチェックアイテム数20万点の世界最大級アウトドア用品.