Tablo Joey Badass

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Tablo Joey Badass. On and on it makes us hustle on. Epik highのtabloが率いるレーベルhighgrndハイグラウンドがバンドhyukohに続く2番目のアーティストを公開したhighgrndはこれに先立ち行った予告.

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This song is the collaboration with joey bada and tablo of epik high a south korean alternative hip hop group from seoul. Epik highのtabloとアメリカの新鋭ヒップホップミュージシャンのジョーイバッドアスjoey badassのコラボ曲hoodのニューヨーク編の予告映像が. It sits at the bottom of the pot.

Fight fall but overcome. It sits at the bottom of the pot. Han is spoken yet unspoken. Tablo has launched his imprint highgrnd and the stuff theyve put out so far has been pretty solid.